The prize for the most absurd invention, ever goes to – drum roll please – The Leaf Blower! I will slightly admit that its original use may have made sense. After all, raking leaves is something of a chore, especially if you have a lot of trees. However, when every single lawn maintenance person decided that it was also a great way to cut corners that’s when the devise became a front-runner for the Absurdity Prize.
Have you watched how these devises are used? They blow mostly dirt off the sidewalk and onto the street. I never see them pick up the dirt once they’ve had their fill of blowing it around. Of course anyone with two ounces of logic realizes that the dirt will end up right back where it originally was in no time. Not to mention the dust that’s now swirling around in the air will be landing on windows and cars. And they’re noisy. And they smell. Our new lawn maintenance person is even using them to blow out the flower beds. Seriously, the flower beds. The first time (and last time they’ll do that here) I had the windows open and dust rolled in. I literally was racing around shutting all the windows, which are now covered in dust. Maybe if these guys also had to clean the inside of the house, they would be more sensitive to the havoc they’re unleashing. Why didn’t they come up with something that sucks up the dirt if they’re so intent on using a motorized thing to do the job? Oh yeah, because that would have made sense.
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